Information and Communication Technology in Businesses
ICT encompasses all technology that helps people, companies, and other organizations utilize information. It includes all electronic devices that handle information in digital format. ICT focuses on digital data retrieval, transmission, and storage.
ICT can make a company more efficient and
productive and respond quickly to customers' needs. ICT helps businesses
design, manufacture, R&D distribution, sell, and provide customer feedback.
Prof.Nassef states she believes that "contrary to the conventional wisdom
that ICT will reduce the demand for face-to-face communications and lead to
increased dispersion of economic activity. She believes that ICT can encourage
industrial growth and aggregation". Furthermore, Prof.Nassef argues that
"The search of job and recruitment via the Internet offers potential
efficiency gains to the labor market and the economy through reducing
transaction cost and providing better matching between workers and vacancies by
diffusing job information widely."
This topic offers a comprehensive study of
the effects of information and communications technologies on various aspects
of growth and development. It covers issues relevant to technological,
economic, and financial factors. It emphasizes the significance of ICT and its
role in facilitating many different transactions and services, such as online
banking and online services offered by companies. It covers authentication
techniques that are used for online banking as well as additional online
services. ICT by facilitating the provision and accessibility to a wide variety
of services for financial transactions, improving the efficiency of
corporations and institutions, cutting costs, and encouraging and enhancing
communication is significant factors in the development process.
Additionally, it examines topics linking
technology for information and communication with urbanization and highlights
the significance of ICT in delivering urban services. It also explains how ICT
can encourage and facilitate urbanization, which has become the norm in the
21st century and is one of the most significant issues to ensure economic
growth and a better standard of living. Additionally, Big data as a tool for
development shows how the vast quantity of digital data continuously produced
by the world's population can assist the decision-making process and provide
practical information for decision makers. It also demonstrates the significant
role of big data in helping promote different growth areas.Moja Wasia is the Leading IT Support
Diverse research avenues can be explored to
understand the importance of technology for information and communication in
the business world. For instance, Software Pirates (SP) can be described as a
global, multifaceted problem that is an enormous challenge to software makers.
The SP issue has become more acute globally due to the widespreadness of
technology like the Internet and the rapid development of technology in
information, which has increased the likelihood of growing intellectual
property rights violations. Implementing effective measures to stop SP in
Lebanon is, however, a matter of knowing the motivations behind and the
rationales behind SP actions and SP rate and elements influencing their
behavior. In their research, Khalil and Selim used and evaluated a causal model
for software pirate attitudes, intentions, and behaviors in Lebanon by using
managers and professionals as a sampling.
To confirm the findings, future research
plans should include non-student and student participants from different
Lebanese, both the public and private sectors. Future research designs should
incorporate and explore new concepts such as the national culture, demographics
corruption index, and economic development, which could influence the SP
intent-behavior relation.
Another research stream is designed to
demonstrate the effectiveness of Electronic Business (e-business) in increasing
a company's competitiveness by using cutting-edge information and communication
technology. There have been several studies done in this field. For instance,
the effects of using SNSs (social networks) to promote word of mouth between
customers or the impact of SNSs on university students' social or academic
performance. Dr.Abbas has found a significant effect of SNSs on the competitive
performance of a firm as well as the academic and social lives of students in
Future research within this category could
include making use of SNSs as a tool for strategic planning to execute a
company's plan and the impact of E-commerce in determining market share and the
effect of SNSs in fostering social bonds among students at universities, the
use of information systems to tailor the firm's product and comparing
traditional tools for communication and interactive tools for improving the
performance of the firm.
Additionally, in community-based dental
education courses, the services provided by students can be a significant
source of practice and community clinic revenue. Thus, the research conducted
in the Department of Developmental Sciences is directed toward developing new
programs for community members that will provide an educational message for
preschool teachers on dental traumatology.
In an ever-changing business environment,
accounting professionals must be able to tackle a variety of multifaceted
problems. For example, how do you document the most innovative business
transactions, develop information and business processes that are value-added
and disseminate valuable information to a wide range of users of information
and offer assurance services for a wide variety of business processes?
Technology and information communication have dramatically changed how the
business process is conducted. Nowadays, most companies use accounting
information systems to manage their business. The advancements in technology
have drastically improved accounting systems. Computers and other digital technology solutions have increased office
productivity by facilitating the speedy transfer of documents and the gathering
and analyzing of information. As per Dr.El-Haridi and Dr.Mandour, the use of ERP
software in companies can significantly impact their efficiency.
The widespread use of computers and
software development has led to significant changes in companies' accounting
practices. However, the impact of these developments has not been thoroughly
examined. Therefore, studies in this field are necessary to determine the effects
technological innovations have created in accounting firms via surveys based on
an established questionnaire that could be distributed to those responsible for
accounting companies.
The ICT advances have made accessible vast
amounts of information. This has led to significant risks for computers.
Despite the significant advancements in the information security field, many
ISs remain vulnerable to external and internal attacks. There is no internal
audit process for ISs to prevent these attacks or reduce adverse impacts.
Therefore, an exploratory study on auditing informatics for ISs security is
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